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The Best Microphone for Podcasting


What's the best microphone for a podcast? I wish there was one simple answer to that question, but there are so many factors that go into what's the best mic for your voice, but I'm going to give you a great place to start.

There are a ton of microphones on the market that you could start with at various price points. For example, I have a Rode NT1, a Samson Q2U, and a few more but for the sake of this video, the microphone that I'm going to recommend is the most versatile that I've seen so far for a number of situations is the Samson Satellite.

This little microphone is a gorgeous little piece of equipment, I like the shiny top and it looks professional. Now you may laugh at that but I've had podcasters tell me it's important for them to look the part because they're doing video too, so kudos to Samson for making this mic look good! 

The Samson satellite awesome little piece of equipment. Definitely, one I recommend. 

Link to Mic: Buy the Mic 

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How to Create The Best Podcast Episode - In 10 Easy Steps

The Challange We Face As Podcasters

One of the biggest challenges and most frequently asked questions when talking with podcasters of all types is, how to create an effective episode, hits all the touchpoints, and avoids the common pitfalls that most podcasters make.

Knowing how to craft an episode is as important as promoting that episode to your internal or external audience.
In this massive blog post, I have identified the 10 essential steps to creating the best podcast episode, dare I say ever!

Let's review the process of how to approach podcasting more effectively. I work with several podcasts from the guest-driven podcast, to solo shows, internally focused for my corporate and enterprise clients and every variation of a podcast you can imagine.

Research Your Guest

One of the first and I think one of the most important aspects of episode planning is research. Especially when you have a guest based podcast or if you're interviewing an internal stakeholder.

My corporate and...

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